September 26, 2009, 9:03 PM
The One Where I Got Lost, Twice

i walk this empty street
on the boulevard of broken dreams

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!) soo today, i was supposed to meet farah at her house busstop at 0900hrs.. and i could not afford to be late cause she'd be really pissed off.. but guess what..? i made her reallyreallyreally pissed.. you know why? cause on the way to her house, i got lost.. twice.. hahaha! she told me to alight when i see tamp east CC's basketball court.. but then the bus didn't pass the basketball court, so i alighted later.. then i called farah, and she said i still had a few more bustops to go.. hence, i boarded another bus and i was back at pasir ris.. =.=" rumah dia kt tampenis, yg aku patah balik pasir ris ape hal? hahaha! we finally met up with each other at 0945hrs.. and we found out something.. the reason i got lost was because farah gave me the directions of bus 3 from pasir ris..but i didn't take bus 3 from pasir ris.. i took bus 3 from tampenis interchange.. that means, all her directions were inverted and wrong, and i got lost.. =)

then we headed to bedok reservoir's mcdonald together.. and while on the way there, we laughed our asses off about the incident.. she was angry at first, but i managed to turn it around into a memorable joke.. then we met up with zakiyah, hawa and nad at mac and we started studying.. we spent like 7 hours in the mcdonald.. accomplishment ah.. =) and i spent 4 straight hours studying chemistry with helps from farah.. accomplishment ah.. =) then i spent 1.5 hours on social studies and the other 1.5 hours on laughing, talking and eating.. not an accomplishment.. =(

260909, 1020hrs, afghanistan:
so farah and i were talking about the incident..
and i said;
"kau tau, tadi kau msg aku ' kalau kau da sampai tamp, msg aku ', otak aku da macam ' ape hal sey deni? aku memang kt tamp pe.. ' "
then farah shouted; "abe asal kau tknk bilang aku kau memang kt tamp!?!?"
and i replied; "entah.. aku ingatkn kau da gile.."
haha, and farah scolded me while laughing at my reaction..

btw, thank you farah
and there's only 31 days left!! =S



September 20, 2009, 8:06 PM
The One On Hari Raya

she wears high heels, i wear sneakers
she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!)
first off, it's hari raya! =D happy or what.. just now i visited a few houses.. and at pak long's house, there was this toddler's mic stand with a toy mic that really works.. so i held a concert at pak long's balcony ah.. haah, yeaaahh, i sang love story by taylor swift and @#%$ you by lily allen.. =) but then, the @#%$ you bit i change it to thank you.. haha, if not, confirm kene scolded.. then after the concert, thousands of people clapped and cheered for me.. seriously, cool ah.. haah, actually there was a button at the bottom of the mic stand and when you step on it, people will start clapping and cheering..

speaking of mics and songs and taylor swift, did you watch the 2009 VMAs?
cool right.. i was really attracted to lady gaga's and pink's performance..
but taylor swift, she was great! seriously, after being paisey'ed by kanye west in front of millions, she came back out and sang.. wow! anyways, what's wrong with kanye west? even after the fuss he made out of 2007's VMA, i was still a fan of him.. but after the recent incident with taylor swift, i'm like wth.. you don't see people more popular than him, like sean combs and 50 cent, coming out to stage just to say that there should be another winner.. anyways, i love
taylor swift<3

and i would like to take this time to thank some people.. first off, i'd like to thank my classmates for the 'joker' card.. i also want to thank the people who wished me on facebook, the cbox, or via sms.. a big thank you to joey and geneveive for the decepticon cap, and to emma for the box of wonderful gifts.. thank you WWE for letting trish stratus host raw this week.. and who else can i thank? umm, i'd also like to say thank you to the founder of burger king for burger king and to burger king for bkchicken students meal.. and lastly, thank you kanye west for not interupting this thanksgiving dedications..
Edit: thanks stephanie for the 2 kinder joys =)

200909, 1900hrs, tok kasim's house:
i was sitting on the sofa with abang azmi..
then, abang azmi retrieve this white powdered leaf-shaped kuih(i asked syahidah, it's kuih makmur) and asked me;
"ni kuih ape eh? lupe name dia.."
i didn't know, but i still answered; "entah.. kuih suji agaknye.."
and abang azmi quickly replied; "ah, kuih suji pantat kau!"
and i answered; "abe kuih tu warna putih sey macam kuih suji.."
he looked at me and asked; "abe ape? semua kuih warna putih kuih suji ah?"
then he took this white cookie, held it infront of my face and asked;
"ni kuih suji pe?"
and he ate the cookie while i laughed at my own sillyness..

anyways, selamat hari raya!
maaf zahir batin! =)


note: this post was posted on 260909 but had been redated back to 200909


September 13, 2009, 9:10 PM
The One With The 'Nightmare'

ladies and gentlemen,
good evening

this week was chaotic..
i studied every subject, uhuh, but not dnt..
i went out with friends, terawih and such..
i was forced to help clean the house for raya..
i went shopping with family for raya clothings..
btw, this year's colour is purple, light purple.. =)
i watched tv, new shows like psych, i like that..
and i played games on the 360 once again, resident evil 5 babe.. =DD

110909, 1910hrs, nenek's house:
it was almost time to break fast, so we all sat around the table..
i looked at my auntie and suddenly said;
"eh, tadi yan mimpi.."
so my auntie asked; "kau mimpi ape?"
i looked around the table, and slowly said; "yan mimpi .. ~
i was interupted by the prayer call, hence, i took a sip out of the bandung..
then, i continued talking slowly;
~ yan mimpi yan nk pergi geylang.. ~
i took a bite out of my fried chicken wing and looked out of the window..
i was hoping to add suspense to the story by all those sudden stops..
my auntie looked at me, hence, i continued;
~ and then you came into my dream and said ' eh, kau nk pergi geylang eh? beli kn wujud 1.. ' "
so she asked; "abe? ape jadi?"
i gave her a cheeky smile and said; "daa, tu je ah yan mimpi, teros habis.."
haah, my auntie looked irritated by the false suspenses, for wasting her time and such, and said;
"yek eleh.. pengabisan itu je kau mimpi.. skali aku tampa kn..!"
i laughed a bit, drank bandung, and sarcasticly said; "best kn mimpi yan? boleh buat satu buku cerite.."
and my auntie laughed a bit, and we continued munching on the fried rice..

btw, try to have a nice term 4..
i know i won't.. and so, goodbye!



September 6, 2009, 11:04 PM
The One With The Seven, Minus One, Scenes

monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday
friday, saturday, saturday and sunday

310809, 1200hrs, safra:
we were playing 4 on 4 pool..
farhan, hafiz, fadhilon and i vs hadi, budi, haziq and wahiuz..
and i didn't really know how to play pool so i said;
"aku tk tau main sangat tau.." without holding back, hafiz quickly replied; "tk tau main balik ah!"
i was like wth, but still laughed with him and sarcasticly said; "thanks for the motivation!" mahh, but my team still won cause i motivated them with tons of; "we're gonna run this town tonight!" xD and i put in two balls, and a white ball.. haah, i suck =(

010909, 0900hrs, nenek's house:
we were watching wujud 2.5(they rock, watch them)..
and at one point, the t.a.c team caught a pontianak/banshee on video..
as always, the banshee covered her face with her hair, making it not visible..
so my auntie asked;
"asal dorang tk pernah tunjok muke dorang eh?"
and i replied; "dorang tk pakai make-up ah.."
my auntie laughed and said; "t.a.c pn satu, kalau nk record pn, bilang ah siang2.. leh pakai make-up sikit.."
a few minutes later, we came to the last portion of the show..
and there's this nenek in white, walking with a stick, attacking 4 t.a.c members who were in their tent.. i got all excited as it was my first time seeing a real nenek kebayan/witch and said;
"ish! macam nenek daripade hantu congkak tu!" and my auntie replied; "hantu congkak otak kau! tu nenek kebayan lah!"
i kept quiet and soon, the witch was throwing stones and spells at t.a.c's tent.. and kakcik, from t.a.c, said: "dia main kasar ah..!" i laughed a bit and i said: "entah2, nenek tu cume nk jual dorang keropok je.." ah, and the show ended, and we watched wujud 3 and it was great! =)

020909, 0945hrs, outside AVA:
we were waiting to sit for our literature paper..
there was nothing much to do, so alep held an Idol Audition sign-up..
he randomly called the people who were walking by, but as expected, most just ignored him.. then this boy came and alep asked;
"what's your name?"
and the boy replied something, but it was softer than a whisper.. we were like; "huh?" then alep asked again; "what's your name?" and he replied in the same manner, too soft to be heard.. then i said; "eh, deni yang tkde suare tu ah.. yg ' do not turn up your volume ' .." everyone laughed and soon, he left.. then this teacher came.. and alep asked; "cher, you want join the Idol Audition?" she was confused and replied; "huh? don't want ah!" and she left smiling.. then suddenly hafiz said; "eh, deni yang asian avril lavigne kn? muke same sah!" and again, everybody laughed, but i laughed louder than ever.. haah, in the end only four signed up.. so the four were the finalists.. LoLs!
btw, i think syltra lee rocks! =D

030909, 0730hrs, school hall:
there was an elementary math paper on this day..
then hafiz mentioned something about protactor and i realised that i didn't bring one.. so i asked syahmi;
"kau bawak protactor?" and he quickly replied; "ish, tk.." then i said; "pinjam orang ah? sec3, sec2, sec1 confirm ade.." and syahmi ignored my suggestion and said; "pinjam dari physics lab ah? dorang ade banyak nk mampos.." i thought for a bit and cheerfully said; "tkpe ah.. bawak tk bawak, fail jugak pe.." and syahmi laughed a bit and replied; "tu ah, tk payah sudah.."
haah, and expected the math paper was a killer.. i need serious help in math =(

040909, 2010hrs, street soccer court:
fadhilon, farhan and i were waiting for alep and syahmi to go for terawih.. then farhan called one of his friends, asking him to come down and play soccer.. and his friend asked who was with him and farhan replied; "fadhilon ngan kawan dia(referring to me).." i gave him a stupid face and looked at fadhilon who then said; "kau bukan kawan dia ah.. kau kawan aku je.." soon, farhan hanged up his phone and i sarcasticly asked; " ' fadhilon ngan kawan dia ' eh..?" and he replied; "yelah, kalau aku cakap sufyan, nanti dia tanye sufyan mane pulak.." then fadhilon said; "kau boleh ckp pe ' fadhilon ngan kawan aku ' ..?" and i jokingly said; "tu ah.. sakit hati ah kawan macam gini.." and farhan jokingly replied to both fadhilon and i; "kk ah, sorry ah, boss!"
a few minutes later, syahmi, alep, taupek and syafiq zain arrived and we went for our prayers..

050909, 2300hrs, home:
i was watching my brother re-play call of duty 4 on the 360.. and he was standing right in the middle of a battlefield, so there were gunshots all around him.. i tried to help him by giving him instructions like; "kat depan tu, shoot dia dulu ah.." he tried but failed to look for the guy and asked me; "mane?" so i replied; "tu ape? yg kt depan ngah penggang rocket launcher.." again, he tried to look for him but failed, and i sarcasticly said; "ouh lek ah.. tu pokok je ah.. haah, tu pn nk panic pe?" but in actual fact, there was really a guy holding a rocket launcher and he shot one missile towards my brother's area, so my brother asked; "mane si detu??" and as soon as he said that, he was killed by a grenade, so i said; "pantat kau lah.." then i took over re-playing COD4, and i died about 100,000,000 times..? haah, it was in 'hardened' difficulty and i haven't played the 360 in a very long time.. =D

and this part was supposed to be today's scene..
but nothing happened today.. i was quiet for the whole day at home..
and i msged some of my friends in pasir ris, asking them whether they wanted to buke outside cause i was really bored and i wanted to eat burger king, but all of them had their own plans or was to lazy to go all the way to white sands.. tsktsktsk.. =.=

so, that's the seven, minus one, scenes..
btw, happy boring september holidays..


the one with my handwritings
and i'm awesome.
so follow me on twitter=)

the one with the talking box

the one with the other wants
Kak Mala.
Kak Shasha.
Wen Long.
Zi Yuan.
Zong Hong.

the one with the shooting star
-End Of O Levels.
-Edge 'Rise Above' T-Shirt.
-Friends Season 1-10 DVD.
-Modern Warfare 2.
-New Sneakers.
-Resident Evil 5.
-Taylor Swift: Fearless Platinum Edition.
-"The Funny Thing Is..." Book. 230209
-The Rise & Fall Of WCW DVD.

the one with the musicbox

Music Playlist at

the one with the memorellas

August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
March 2010

the one with the credits
this is a kick-*** layout!
thank you