October 25, 2009, 8:20 PM
The One Where A New Countdown Starts

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!)
let's just end the countdown
and start a new one
1 more day to the o's
and 17 more days to 'freedom'
let's just hang on to the rollercoaster

October 17, 2009, 5:42 PM
The One On The Left Track

i'll show you what you're worth
if you let me inside your world

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!)
this week was depressing.. you may always see me smiling but that's only a mask.. i try to keep myself happy but i'm all stressed up and only some of my closer friends and teachers know that i'm breaking apart.. i just wanna get this o levels done and over with.. the only good 'news' this week is that i did what everybody thought was impossible; win the all-year-long, first-to-fifteen armwrestling challenge against nikesh.. the final score was me fifteen and nikesh fourteen.. l for loser, anybody? =P

btw, i wanna get this off my shoulders.. tell me, what's wrong about liking justin bieber for his talent? yeah, he's only fifteen but unlike most fifteen-years-old, justin already went off script on the VMAs to stand up for taylor swift and he's signed to usher.. and don't tell me only girls can like him.. that is sooo sexist.. and that's what i've been trying to say in my last post.. people judge others without a real reason and realising their true talent first.. so yeah, think and make this world an easier place for everybody to live in.. =)

ouh yeah, listen to
justin bieber's one time and one less lonely girl.. =)

121009, 1300hrs, 4i classroom:
it was english lesson with mdm khaw and she assigned us to write an essay.. a few minutes later, joey finished her first paragraph and called mdm khaw to check on her grammar.. if i'm not mistaken, joey's essay started like this;' "Riiiinnnggg!" the alarm clock went off. ' so mdm khaw read joey's essay out loud; " 'ringgg! ringgg!' wow, your alarm clock sounds nice.. 'ringgg! ringgg!' " i was sitting two tables behind joey, so of course i heard what mdm khaw said and i literally laughed out loud cause her expression and tone was funny.. and my laughter attracted mdm khaw's attention and she said; "sufyan, you wrote a very good piece of essay for your prelim.." so while trying to stop laughing, i replied; "ouhh, thank you.." and mdm khaw continued saying; "you're on the right track.." then, out of no where, joey said; "he's not on the right track, he's on the left track!"
it was sooo lame that i had no other choice but to burst laughing again.. =P and now, i'm always teasing joey about the left track thing.. haah, left track, wth..

even though there's only 9 days left,
can you please let me show you what i can do first? =)



October 11, 2009, 8:17 PM
The One With The Motivation

you got me laughing while i sing
you got me smiling in my sleep

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!)
do you like studying? no? then drop it! seriously, education is only useful in life to a certain extent.. you don't need education to do everything in life, you have to enjoy your life to the fullest, just the way you want it, not by the force of "study or regret!" you know this educated-world we live in? well, it wasn't suppose to be this way.. everyone in the world is saying "we don't judge you, we're fair" but guess what, look at life, you're dumb and no one wants to employ you.. see the irony? and what if, just what if, we're dumb in our studies, but we're the smartest, most incredible director the world may never know, deep inside? what then? we can't show our true talent just because we failed our studies? that sucks, doesn't it? soo what now? are you gonna listen to me? please say no.. i was just kidding.. i'm the worst motivator in the world.. just forget everything that i said.. education is important! =) but there's still some truth to this paragraph, think..

btw, i'm kind of addicted to
demi lovato's catch me.. =)

091009, 1015hrs, it resource room:
it was math period and mrs ooi was giving back our math paper 1 test paper..
and as expected, i failed, so i complained to anyone that could hear me; "come on ah.. aside from counting money, which is basic math, when is math ever going to be useful in life?" i noticed some heads turned towards me so i continued; "who would ever visit the twin towers or the eiffel tower for a holiday and waste their time finding the angle of elevation?" mrs ooi sighed while i continued; "and when you buy a jug, it comes with a box that actualllly states the volume of the jug.. you don't have to manually find the volume of it yourself.." and i flipped through the test paper and saw a algebra question..i got the question wrong, so i asked; "and algebra? what? you already have a real life problem and when you try to solve it using algebra, you'll have a bigger problem.."nikesh(who was sitted right next to me) laughed as mrs ooi said; "sufyan! stop talking nonsense! you're just frustated that you couldn't do this paper! aiiyooo.." then nikesh stopped laughing and asked; "but seriously, who created math? the guy who created math must have been really bored.." i laughed a bit, stopped complaining and started copying all of the corrections..

anyways, study hard and good luck acing your exams
and there's only 15 days left!!! =S



October 4, 2009, 8:20 PM
The One With Two Open-Houses

humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall

(o_____________o) <(yoooooo!)
sooo, yesterday, i went to uncle faizal's house for an open-house.. but i came late, like around 2100hrs, so nobody was there.. and the first thing i did when i arrived, was to grab a paper plate and head for the buffet.. i was hungry, and my uncle didn't mind.. here's what i ate; buttered rice with black pepper seafood, barbeque chicken wings and lamb ribs.. best.. after that i went into the playroom and guess what, there's a toy mic! =DD woooo.. but then, i almost no-showed my own concert cause i only sold 3 tickets.. haah, and the 3 audiences were 2 five-years old girls and a two-years old girl.. so i sang.. "humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall" and all 3 of my audiences left me alone just to play with barney.. =.= soo i kept quiet for a while, got bored, and tried singing the chorus of monster by skillet.. i sound good with a sorethroat, i rock! but f1rocks!(if you don't get that, then maybe it's an inside joke) anyways, an hour later, cik su, cik rafidah, cik rokiah came and i watched f1rocks and talked with miqhail all the way till 0030hrs..

and then it's sunday.. everyone was leaving uncle's house.. i thought i could go home and sleep but noo, cik su, cik rafidah and their family wanted to follow us home for hari raya visit.. wth, it's like 0045hrs in the morning and i was getting sleepy.. but nvm ah, it's like their hari raya routine, they always visit my house around that time every year.. sooo, while the adults talked and laughed in the living room, miqhail, maliq, marteen, sonniah, my sister and my brother was in my room playing.. =.= and i watched my brother and miqhail play halo:odst in a co-op campaign for 2 long hours.. they suck.. =) and finally, at 0245hrs, they left and i slept, yay..

11 hours later, pak long and mak long came and so did uncle faizal and his family.. and then it's like somewhat, somehow an open-house in my house.. my mum served mee soto and satay goreng.. my mum ordered satay goreng from emma's mum.. best.. then a few hours later, most of my cousins came.. and my brother challenged me to a UFC09 fight on the xbox.. he chosed brock lesnar while i was frank mir, so it was brock lesnar vs frank mir in a 3 five-minutes round match.. abang azmi said my brother dominated most of the first round, but as expected, i made brock lesnar tap out to a cross armbar within 38seconds in the second round.. and kak nadia, kak ayu and didan were all there to witness my victory.. again, i rock! but f1rocks! =D then abang hariz and his friend entered my room and i watched abang hariz(liverpool) beat my brother(man u) 2-1 in a winning eleven09 match.. then abang hariz challenged his friend but i didn't catch the match cause i was busy looking at abang razak's birthday pictures.. and i looked good in them.. =D

290909, 1500hrs, outside g.o:
so ms huda was giving advices to nikesh, but huai wei and i was there to listen too.. a few minutes later, ms huda turned to me and asked; "so how? are you ready for your your o's?"
and i replied; "i don't know.. i failed my math prelim.."
and ms huda said; "then practice.. i knew you since primary 3 right? i don't want you to waste your chance, you have to score in your o's.."
i just smiled and nodded as she inform nikesh and huai wei that she knew me since primary 3.. then ms huda looked at me again and said; "okay lah, boleh katekn skarang awak lagi sachok.. tapi sikiiiit je.."
and i laughed, as she entered the general office..
then nikesh asked me;
"why? what'd she say?"
and i replied; "she says i'm more handsome now.."
and nikesh quickly replied; "omg, you must have been shitty ugly when you were young!"
haah, l for lame.. and after that, we went home, and that's it..

btw, happy belated children's day
and there's only 22 days left!! =S

btw, that's^^ freaking looongg!!

note: this post was posted on 111009 but it had been redated back to 041009


the one with my handwritings
and i'm awesome.
so follow me on twitter=)

the one with the talking box

the one with the other wants
Kak Mala.
Kak Shasha.
Wen Long.
Zi Yuan.
Zong Hong.

the one with the shooting star
-End Of O Levels.
-Edge 'Rise Above' T-Shirt.
-Friends Season 1-10 DVD.
-Modern Warfare 2.
-New Sneakers.
-Resident Evil 5.
-Taylor Swift: Fearless Platinum Edition.
-"The Funny Thing Is..." Book. 230209
-The Rise & Fall Of WCW DVD.

the one with the musicbox

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the one with the memorellas

August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
March 2010

the one with the credits
this is a kick-*** layout!
thank you